Error when trying to view report

Sometimes Codecov has trouble while processing your coverage reports and will return an error message. Here are some of the most common ones and possible troubleshooting steps you can try to fix it.


Error Message: "There was an error processing coverage report"

Sometimes Codecov has trouble while processing your coverage reports. To troubleshoot, here are some steps you can try:

  1. Check to see if you are uploading the report correctly. By default, the Codecov uploader will not return failure so as to not block your CI pipeline. To check this, you will need to expand the coverage upload step in your CI to see if there's any errors. If either one of these failed, Codecov did not receive the report and you will need to upload it again.
  2. Try the Codecov uploader. If you're using a language specific uploader: Try and see if using the uploader resolves the issue.
  3. Try using the -d flag of the Codecov uploader to verify that are you are not uploading empty reports.
  4. Try using the -v flag of Codecov uploader. This will provide additional diagnostic messages and can help troubleshoot potential problems.


Error Message: "Unable to find report content in the storage archive"

Sometimes Codecov will return this error message when you're trying to view a report. Some of the possible reasons for this are: 

  1. The report failed to fully upload to Codecov. In this case, check to see if you are uploading the report correctly. By default, the Codecov uploader will not return failure so as to not block your CI pipeline. To check this, you will need to expand the coverage upload step in your CI to see if there's any errors. In the output, verify that the upload and pinging steps were successful. If either one of these failed, Codecov did not receive the report and you will need to upload it again. 
  2. Permissions error. It is possible that the permissions of the person who added the repository to Codecov have changed. If you suspect this has been case, you may want to set up a team bot
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